Monday, November 5, 2012

Don't Stress, Impress!

Did you miss “Don’t Stress, Impress?” Well, don’t stress, here’s what you missed:

ASPIRE Study Tips (from
A: Approach/attitude/arrange
·         Approach studying with a positive attitude
·         Arrange your schedule to eliminate distractions
S: Select/survey/scan
·         Select a reasonable chunk of material to study
·         Survey material to get an overview
·         Scan the text for keywords and vocabulary
P: Piece together the parts
·         Piece together what you've studied and summarize what you understand
I: Investigate/inquire/inspect
·         Investigate alternative sources of information
·         Inquire from support and other resources for assistance
·         Inspect what you did not understand
R: Reexamine/reflect/relay
·         Reexamine the content
·         Reflect on the material
·         Relay understanding
E: Evaluate/examine/explore
·         Evaluate your grades on tests and tasks
·         Examine your progress: toward achieving your goals
·         Explore options: with a teacher or tutor

14 Tips for Reducing Stress
1.    Learn to plan
2.    Prioritize and ask for help
3.    Recognize and accept limits
4.    Say “no”
5.    Learn to play
6.    Be a positive person
7.    Learn to tolerate and forgive
8.    Avoid unnecessary competition
9.    Get regular physical exercise
10. Learn a systematic, drug-free method of relaxing
11. Talk out your troubles
12. Change your thinking
13. Build and maintain support systems
14. Change expectations of  yourself and the situation

Don’t forget to come visit an ASM for more information!

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