Thursday, October 17, 2013

IUP Housing 2013-2014

Want to live on campus next year, but not sure how or when to sign up? Read the information below to receive all the answers!

1.       Do you want to live in the same room next year?
YES: Go to step 2
NO: Go to step 3

2.       If you want to live in the same room next year you will log into MYIUP on Monday, Oct. 28-30.  This opens at 8 a.m.!  Click Campus Services and under Housing and Residential Living complete the housing agreement.

3.       If you don’t want to live in the same room next year you can log onto MYIUP on Thursday Oct. 31- Nov. 7 to enter yourself into the Time Slot Assignment Process and you will receive a time slot to sign-up for a different room. To do this click Campus Services and under Housing and Residential Living will be the links to sign-up for a time slot.

Some other tips to make it go easier:
                -have an idea of where you want to live and the room type
                -if you have a roommate you BOTH need to request each other
                -remember to pay the $80.00 to secure your room

This may be confusing at first, but you will be receiving more information from your CA.  If you have any questions you can always go to the housing office located on the ground floor of Ruddock facing Stephenson Hall.

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