Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are You Prepared For Midterms?

If, not here are some helpful tips so you aren’t stressed by them! 

1. Keep your mind and body in check by eating right and getting enough hours of sleep 

2. Organize your notes so it will be easier to study 

3. Break up your studying time so you don’t end up cramming or over whelming yourself 

4. Form study groups, meet with your SI, and or go to tutoring if needed 

5. Talk to your professor during office hours if you have specific questions 

6. Disconnect from your phone, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, ect. while studying because they just are distractions 

7. If you need more tips or not sure where to start when preparing, visit your Academic Success Mentor =)

If you feel like you need a break or motivation watch this video: 

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