What if I told you, that you should be reading your textbooks BACKWARDS!?
How many hours have you spent reading your textbook chapter front to back, word for word, and when you get to the end, you have no idea what you just read? Well, I'm about to change you life. Textbooks don't usually have a plot leading up to a big dramatic ending, their purpose is to inform and educate, not entertain; different purposes, mean different methods of reading. Here's how you should tackle that chapter:
step 1. flip right to the back and read over those chapter questions. Answer some if you can. This will prep your brain and help you sort out what is important.
step 2. Read the summary. Get the big ideas and main jist of what the chapter is about.
step 3. Read the introduction. This may add some context to what you are about to read.
step 4. Pick out the main ideas. This is easy because they are usually big and bold!
step 5. Scan the section for important supporting details of the big bold heading.
Step 6. Make sure you have those key terms down. THIS IS KEY!
Happy Reading!